Recycle scrap iron, pig iron, motor iron, stainless iron, scrap steel, iron blocks, iron molds, industrial iron, mold iron, steel bar heads, hot rolled plates, cold rolled plates, stamped iron, iron wire, etc., iron scraps, steel structure etc.
. Inventory of scrap instruments, injection molding machines, printing presses, laser machines, punch machines, milling machines, boring machines, various scrap equipment, grinders, wave soldering, assembly lines, machines
, inventory of overstocked materials, etc.
.Construction waste, waste building materials, pipe fasteners, wires and cables, demolition waste, plumbing equipment, door and window materials, scrap metal, etc.
Waste film from printing factory, waste film from plate making film, printing film, electroplating factory film, waste light film, circuit board factory film
. Non-ferrous metal recycling, scrap stainless steel recycling, scrap copper and aluminum recycling, copper and brass recycling, waste wires and cables Recycling, scrap zinc molybdenum recycling, scrap nickel recycling and other rare metal recycling.
. Remaining plastic raw materials from various plastic raw material factories, saliva materials, scraps, and various inventory plastic scraps
. Metal resources scrap steel, aluminum, stainless steel, copper and various non-ferrous, black, precious metals, etc.< br/> .Industrial equipment, waste refrigeration equipment, air conditioning systems, cable batteries, machine tools and other types of idle and overstocked equipment
Dongguan Changping Waste Recycling Company. Changping scrap copper, scrap aluminum, scrap stainless steel, scrap mold recycling