Scrap iron Industrial scrap iron, mold iron, steel bar heads, hot rolled plates, cold rolled plates, iron wire, iron blocks, iron sheets, iron plates, iron filings, etc.
. Scrap stainless steel,,,, and other stainless steel charge, stainless steel Scrap scraps, stainless steel shavings and shavings
.Waste aluminum, waste aluminum wire, waste raw aluminum, waste cooked aluminum, waste aluminum alloy, waste aluminum plate, aluminum foil, aluminum slag, aluminum wire, aluminum chips, etc.
.Scrap zinc Zinc slag, zinc alloy, hot-dip galvanizing, galvalume, zinc-aluminum alloy, zinc ash, etc.
Waste plastic recycling silicone, nylon, acrylic, assorted tips, various nozzle materials, scraps, rubber tips , Blister
. Electronic factory circuit boards, electronic pins, scrap lead., scrap nickel, scrap tin, scrap molybdenum, gold plating, silver plating, cables and wires, etc.
. Printing factory waste old plates, plates, films , fixing water, rubber cloth, waste light sheet, etc.
Purchase and sale of waste equipment generators, transformers, motors, air conditioners, construction machinery, etc. Demolished factories, demolished hotels, whole plant recycling, etc.
, scrap copper wires and cables, scrap bright red copper, scrap red copper, scrap phosphorus copper, scrap white copper, scrap brass, scrap electrolytic copper, scrap No. 2 copper, scrap Purple miscellaneous copper, scrap beryllium copper, scrap motor copper, copper scraps, scrap zipper copper, etc.
Steel recycling angle steel, channel steel, rebar, steel bar, disc steel, flat steel, round steel, square steel, manganese steel, Strip steel, I-beam, steel structure, steel scraps, etc. Pipe recycling: steel pipes, seamless pipes, galvanized pipes, shelf pipes and pipes for various industries, stainless steel pipes, aluminum pipes, stainless steel pipes, copper pipes, copper rods, etc.
Dongguan Humen Scrap Recycling Company, Humen scrap copper, scrap aluminum, scrap stainless steel, scrap mold recycling